Friday, June 26, 2009

List of Loves

It's Friday night and I just got back from movie night at the Hope House. I came down early enough to hear most of the kids singing their favourite choruses in Creole, and then when everyone had finished their chores, 'Over the Hedge' was projected on the side of the orphanage wall. The kids snuggled in around me and fresh popcorn was delivered by one of the mommies. The sky was scattered with white stars and the cool breeze was perfectly refreshing... Just another one of the countless nights to be reminded of the love and blessing of this place.
It feels kind of surreal to think that I will be coming home in less than 2 weeks. Even though I've only been gone for 10 months and I got a bonus trip at Christmas, It feels like I have lived here all my life! I am really excited to see you all.
However, just like the beauty of this evening, there are some things in Haiti that I am going to miss over the summer while I am in Canada. I was just reflecting on the many aspects of life that I love in, around and about this place, and I thought that I would jot them down...

- evening lightning storms

- rice and beans
- barefooted smiling children
- tap tap rides
- mountains
- the view of the Caribbean Sea from my front door
- church worship
- tropical flowers that bloom all year
- Haitian time :)
- sitting on a wooden bench listening to the Hope House kids sing
- fresh mango for breakfast
- warm Haiti sunshine
- walking the hill
- rocking out to Group 1 Crew with my kids

.... I guess that's a start. Oh! and tomorrow I'm going to the beach. I think I should count that in my list too! :)


Unknown said...

You're arrival here is being anxiously awaited!!!!!
. . . but I love hearing about your passion for Haiti!!!

Unknown said...

You make me so homesick with your list of loves. It brings it all back so vividly.

Renee said...

I'm so glad that you have so many loves of Haiti and that you feel like you've lived there all your life. You obviously feel very comfortable! Looking forward to seeing you