Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Full Heart

Wow, so much has happened in the past twelve days, it feels almost like a dream... I've slept in 6 different beds, held countless orphan children, worshipped in Creole, navigated through 3 Haitian markets, travelled into Cabaret on 2 separate occasions, moved into my apartment, and taught a week of school... and that's just the beginning!
But looking back, I stand amazed at how the Lord has been so real to me over this time of change, uncertainty, fear, and new beginnings. 
I have been reflecting on my experiences thus far, and I have noticed a change in my heart. For the first time in my life, I feel that my heart is truly filled. For years, I had a deep longing to fulfill the dreams in my heart, and now I've arrived in Haiti... to a place where these dreams are now a reality. 
I feel like I have such true purpose here - in the moments of holding a child, or looking into the eyes of a baby, or seeing the joy in a mother's eyes when a truck arrives with rice. It's in making a difference. A difference that it so tangible. I witness it everyday. And it gives me such joy in living.... A purpose and fulfillment in knowing that there is nowhere else in the world I would rather be, nothing else that I would rather be doing, and the Lord knew it all along. 
Don't get me wrong, life still isn't perfect... I still sweep up dead cockroaches from my floor every morning, drip sweat from the heat all day, and long to sit around the kitchen table with my family for supper, or spend an afternoon shopping with friends, but somehow all of the pain and loneliness fades when compared with the joy of serving the Lord. There is unexplainable peace in knowing that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. People searc
h their whole lives for something to truly fulfill them, and I feel so blessed to be in that place. 
I look back to my blog postings a few months ago, the insecure feelings I had about leaving and starting this journey, and I realize now that I had nothing to fear. It makes me think about how many times I fail to trust in the Lord's plan because it's unknown to me, but this Haiti journey has taught me that the Lord knows far better. He has the bigger picture, and because of that I can be confident in His plans. Looking ahead at the unknown is scary, but I am a living testament to the Lord's faithfulness throughout the seasons of life.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for the role you have played in my life, and for the support you have given me as I have taken this step. Thank you for your p
rayers, your hugs, your encouraging words and excitement for me. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful extended family, and to see how the Lord is using us all to accomplish His work.


Diana Wiebe said...

yay! i finally figured out how to post pictures!!! :)

Renee Kievit said...

being in the will of the Lord is full of blessing. Keep serving and remember these great feelings when things get rough. Be strong and courageous.

Cheryl said...

Diana - You're making a real difference in the world! I'm glad you feel the peace of knowing you're in the will of God. That's the safest place to be :)

tintman01 said...

Diana, Great job with the blog. I know it takes time and energy to maintain and that is appreciated very much!
Uncle Rand

Unknown said...

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!!!!!
This is what you are doing- delighting in the Lord and serving Him-and the Lord will be so faithful to you!
I love you so much Honey

gail said...

Diana-i have been following your facebook and blog and trying not to cry:).you are a shining example of God's love.i am praying for tante gail