Thursday, April 21, 2011


Growing up in a Christian home, I have many memories of Bible storytellers from camps, Sunday school and Pioneer girls. There were many impacting moments throughout those growing years, but every Easter season one specific memory comes to mind.
It was in the Sunday school program at Wainfleet BIC during our Easter weekend. After the story of Jesus' crucifixion, the storyteller prayed before we were dismissed into our classrooms and I remember like it was yesterday as she broke down into tears. Tears of repentance and gratitude spilled over. The room sat in silence as she regained her composure, and something inside me switched. I was startled that this story that was told time and time again could have such significance. I wasn't old enough to fully understand the meaning, and yet it struck a chord with me that this sweet lady was affected so deeply. It was something that I was drawn to.

I've never forgotten that moment, and as we merge into a new season of Easter this weekend, the memory once again takes up residence at the forefront of my mind. Times have changed, and now I have a classroom of my own - a collection of amazing kids I get to call my own. It is my deepest prayer this Easter weekend that they would embrace the true meaning of the story. That the message of hope would be evident and new revelations could be understood. The way the Father gave up His Son for the sake of love. The way that Jesus paid the ultimate price so that we may live in freedom and victory over a broken world.

Since Christmas, the kids and I have been working through the gospel of Luke - reading a passage each morning in devotions - and we're in the final chapters just in time for Easter. It's been a great journey for all of us, and my hope is that the words we study would remain on our hearts both now and always.
Please pray along with me that the kids will catch a fresh glimpse of the reason we celebrate Easter, the suffering Jesus went through on our behalf, and the hope we celebrate. May I fade into the background and may He be lifted up.


Unknown said...

I love this post! you share you heart so eloquently Diana. Praise the Lord for teachers like you.

Opa said...

The Price of Love!that is the name of the musical drama thet our church quier hes bin prectising for this Aester. Jesus payd a very high price becous he loved us so much. with love prayers and blessing your opa.